My Story: Who is Sankar?

Hi I am Subha ‘Sankar’ Chatterjee. I am a graduate of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, The London School of Economics, a Chevening Scholar, a Certified Coach, a media-professional turned eternal optimist, a father to a budding content creator and a husband to a super-mom and artist.

Sankar is my middle name without an ‘H’ in it and like all Bengalis my parents chose to write O for Apple. Call me Subho, Sankar, Subha whatever you wish. But my calling is to help you find your true calling. The world needs the real YOU, an original YOU, a happy YOU.

And I am here to take you on this journey where you shine your brightest.

Why am I a Purpose & Clarity Coach?

For fifteen years, I was a successful media professional, holding leadership positions in The Times Group and Network18. I thought I had a full life. Wealth, honour,  rank – I had it all.

But then, life decided to give me lemons.

After being in an adrenaline-charged environment for nearly a decade and a half, I was burnt out.

Somehow, work wasn’t the same. My colleagues weren’t the same.

I wasn’t the same.

Borrowing Gwyneth Paltrow’s famous quote , I had ‘uncoupled’ with my job, my boss and my career.

But as they say, when a door begins to close, the universe conspires to open another.

So with those lemons that life gave me, I made 2 very different kinds of lemonades.

The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose

A chance meeting with a prominent voice-over artist piqued my interest in voice work. I discovered that lending my voice to narrate, emote, entertain and sell was surprisingly satisfying. And so my voice became my purpose. The voice of Purpose.

That voice led to another surprising discovery; that I was good at helping others find their inner voice too. Somehow,  I had become a coach-at-large, for not just my teams but anyone who needed advice. When I look back now, I realize life had already given me a sneak peek into my passion without me realizing it.

Now I live a fuller and a much happier life helping people find what gives them real happiness. I have more money in the bank than I used to, but I have a deeper sense of gratitude for every organization that gave me sustenance and every leader that offered me guidance.

Above all, I have my freedom. I have my PURPOSE.

I choose my time. I choose my work. I choose the life I want.

As a Clarity Coach, that’s the life I want for anyone I work with. A life of passion and purpose.